Honoring the Sacred Self
[Picture entitled, “Dawn Dark Mountain Sacred Sisters,” borrowed from the site Dawn Dark Mountain and First People],
Dear Friends: Today, the Holy Spirit wishes to send you God's eternal blessings, in knowing that you are whole, complete and perfect. Your true state of being is safe and secure, residing in the Mind of God. The Holy Spirit is asking me today, to discuss your Sacred Self so that you will come into alignment with the Voice of God which is the Holy Spirit, in re-minding you of your true state of being.
Your Sacred Self, is you within, which Jesus has taught you, is the House of God, for the Son and the Father enter and reside therein with you. The Presence within you is your Sacred Self or Sacred Beingness. This is God's Union with you as One. It is an illumination. This is a Presence rather than a place. So you could view yourself to be a Presence and what is within as Presence. This is the Presence where you have always been but have forgotten. You have listened to God's Voice but did not know it, having forgotten it in your memory of just who and what it is that you truly and really are. The person that you are is, in God's eyes, whole, complete, perfect and without fault. And God wishes to say to you with this message, dear reader...the ones who read this now, this message is sent to each and every one:
“YOU, dearly beloved child, are IN my Plan, not outside of it. This Plan of Mine includes every child I have ever created and NONE have been, are or ever will be, excluded from it. Therefore, you cannot fail, no matter how you try. You cannot “fall short” of Me because I Am all that there Is. Falling short implies there is a distance between You and Me. Yet when you realize that we are One, there is no distance between us. Therefore, there is no falling short of Me. You have always been right here where I Am and have only been “gone” from here, in your mind. My intention is to bring you back to your right mind so that you remember your true, absolute and perfect relationship with Me, discarding all false concepts which alienate you from My Presence. I Am the unavoidable. I Am the Eternal. I Am the Inevitable. Have no fear, you cannot fail to find Me. I have always been right here with you, yet you did not know it. Did not My Son say to you, 'I will never leave you?' That means, He has never been gone and therefore, need never return. There is no "here" and "there." The concepts of “here” and “there” are what mislead you. I cannot go where there is not. I can only Be where I Am and since there is only Now, I can only be Here. What you have thought was ordinary, is in fact, extraordinary. My Message, which I send to you continuously and neverendling, are ALL WAYS the same: One and Unified, Whole and Complete, Consistent and Perfect, Healing. My messages never change and are Absolute Truth.
But today, I wish you to understand and affirm your rightful place with Me. This place is with Me at My Right Hand. Every child is special, yet no child is more special than another. All, are equally special to Me. I have not created some better than others, for why would I endow each with My abilities, My capabilities, My creative Being, My Perfection and WITH My Love...yet deny these attributes to some in favor of others? Isn't that a contradiction?
I Am not a contradictory God! Contradictions always reside within misconceptions and misunderstandings of My Truth. All contradictions and misconceptions are the product of a mind which has forgotten My Truth and requires re-minding. Re-minding is the process of healing, so that the mind is rectified and made whole, complete and in perfect alignment with My Truth.
So when you see contradiction between what you feel and know about yourself, and what has been said about Me by the Other, then know, there exists a problem that requires healing. It is NEVER you that requires the healing (that is always the fundamental assertion of the Other), it is the misconception itself, the faulty idea, which needs to be healed (for you are Whole and Perfect and require no correction, which is always My message to you). In order to know what requires healing, you must become aware of what is happening. When you understand what is happening and you know your own powers which are My Powers, then you will be able to heal the misconception and right your mind to it's true state of perfection. The struggle is ALL WAYS about you returning to your true and perfect state of Mind in the face of The Illusion (the Other) which works constantly to alienate you from Me. Our purpose, together, is to heal the affliction of separation thinking so that Father and Son are restored in Mind as Unified, One, Whole and Complete Being. This means, we must examine together what is happening in order that it be healed, for even though you are Me in the relative world, I, in My Absolute State, have all the power to heal that is necessary.
In understanding that the Other is not real, it becomes of no concern, ultimately, as each Child is returned to the fully rectified Mind of God. When your mind has been healed completely, the Other ceases to exist. I call, "the Other," the external world and all of it's apparent complexities, delusions, illusions, reasonings, logic and explanations. Even though the external world to the self is not real, I can use what is not real in order to get My Truth across to you. Even what is not real can become a vehicle for My Voice. When you have begun to rectify your mind, you will begin to discern what comes from Me and what comes from Other. As WE work together, My Voice and My Truth, which always speaks of your Oneness, Wholeness, Completeness and Perfection and which always carries and contains within it, Truth, Joy and Love, you will be able to discern which messages come from Me more clearly.
As you move forward in healing, the Other will become louder and louder, trying to drown out My Voice, in it's frantic attempt to survive, and so you must be careful to listen and discern. The louder the external world, the quieter My Voice becomes. This is the reason why the external world is always so LOUD and full of NOISE and CONFUSION. These are all survival mechanisms of the Other. Yet, take note, the Other cannot sustain what it creates. It cannot maintain consistency. First it is this and then it is that. But My Voice ALL WAYS carries a consistent, sustained message to you.
As has been said, your true Sacred Self is within you and this means, literally, that the external world to the Self is an illusion...it is literally, only made real by your mind's willingness to give it the power to be real. Because your mind has so strongly attached itself to the external world as a validation of the internal world that Is you, you have forgotten how to validate your Sacred Self within. If you knew your true state of wholeness, you would be able to validate your Sacred Being and not rely on any feedback from the external world of illusion which, in fact, invalidates you every chance it gets.
In Absolute Truth, you need nor require no validation from any external source, the Wholeness, Completeness and Oneness of the Sacred Self.
Because your mind is powerful, and you have been given full creative abilities by God, you can create a very strong illusion-reality for yourself. The universe is designed to provide for and amplify every thought you generate. Just think of the universe as a black box, a machine with components and processes, endowed by God with extraordinary and unimaginable capabilities, to produce exactly the outcomes you have intended. So powerful is your ability to create, that you have forgotten how to distinguish between the reality that is You and the external illusion of the world you think you observe and are a part of, which is the product of your unhealed mind. The moment you let go of the external world and release it back to God, is the moment you regain your right senses. The illusion resolves itself back to an illusion and you regain your true knowing of who and what you are. The process of doing this is called, re-membering...literally meaning, to be re-membered with God. You did not know it, but you have always been in the process of some stage of re-membering. Only now, you have decided to re-mind [which literally means, to make up your mind again or to renew your mind] yourself again of what you have been doing all along. You would not be reading this now, if you had not wanted to re-mind yourself of what you have been, in fact, up to. From time to time, thoroughout the course of your spiritual evolution, you have wanted to be re-minded and reassured. Those who do not know this or will not accept this, do not yet wish to remind themselves now. Yet every son or daughter of God can and does, remind themselves, sooner or later. When the spirit is willing, the mind will be restored. Notice, this re-minding is accomplished with your free will, for it is your choice to be here now.
Nothing which God does is by force. So everything you think that happens to you by force is done by the Other with your permission. Notice, I have said, "with your permission." This means, nothing can really happen to you unless you choose it. And even when you have thought something has happened, nothing has really happened. This is because an illusion has no real power. Discovering this fact is what the Other fears more than any other...that it's power amounts to nothing.
In order to know what is going on, first know you have placed your faith in the external world, as a validation of the Self. This means, you have been looking out there for all the answers to what has ALL WAYS been contained within you [yes, you already have all the answers because you are already complete]. You have been looking at something else which is the illusion you created and using the illusion to define the Self and validate the Self, which in Truth, needs no validation or definition. What Is simply Is.
The message that the Other, which is the external world to the Self, will always be, is one of fear. It will always come from the standpoint of something which is less than what Is, which is perfection. It will always contain within it, messages of fear which says that you are not whole, complete or perfect. It will always contain messages of separation which are intended to alienate you from God. This message tells you that you must be doing something it says you must do, in order to be whole, complete and perfect, for it (the Other) always wants to be in control of you and to make you subordinate to it's willful fear. It always wants you to be doing something in order to keep you busy and unaware of what is really happening to you.
You need do nothing, ever. You do not have to do anything because you are already, whole, complete and perfect. That which is perfect need do no thing, for it already Is what perfection Is. Remember: It is not YOU that needs to be healed, it is the idea of separation and incompleteness that needs healing. When the idea is healed, you return to your rightened state.
Jesus spoke of the wolf disguised in sheep's clothing. The Other IS the wolf cloaked, saying it is a sheep. Once something is created by the mind and given reinforcement, the universe delivers the experience created and the substance of it appears real. So real, in fact, that you have fooled yourself into believing it is your reality. When anything that is created takes on this much power, it (the Other) assumes an apparent life of its own. It takes on a semblance of life, and in emulating Life (which is God), it (the Other) does not want to die. Just be aware that the Other, however powerful it may seem, is an emulation...it is not life itself, it is a mirage. The moment the Other is healed, it vanishes and ceases to exist. This is why it struggles so hard to be in control of your thoughts about who and what you are. It does not want to vanish and cease to exist. It is groping, grasping and clutching at you, in every moment, and fearful of it's ultimate destiny which it knows, is that it will cease to exist. It must and will cease to exist, because God's Plan is the entire return to God of all of God's creation. The only thing which is not included in God's Plan is the continued existence of the Other. God does not include the Other in the Plan, for that which is not real cannot be made real and therefore, is of no ultimate consequence.
The wolf is the illusion that Other is real. Other does not want to die. It wants to survive as if it were alive and were real. It works ceaselessly to make you believe it is real.
The only mechanism which the Other knows is fear, a kind of knee-jerk reaction to the fear of death, which it dreads. And so, the Other feeds back to you, ideas which keep it alive. It's message will always be that you are separate from God (this is the intent: to keep you separate always so that the Other may continue to survive). The Other will tell you to “fear God.” Teaching fear, is always the message of the Other. The wolf is a strong force which even cloaks itself with elements of truth so as to keep you off balance. It will teach you elements of truth, just enough, to keep you from discovering who and what the Other really is doing. Notice that the Other teaches elements of truth, but never practices it. The Other never practices the Truth. It takes the Truth and warps, bends and distorts it. This is why it speaks about Love but never practices it. It cannot practice what it is not. This is the message that tells you that you are loved by God, but that you will be judged by God. Love never judges. See the truth in this. This is the message that says you will always fall short of God. Love never creates distance.
This is the message that says you are a sinner and that sin is inherent in you. Love never creates difference. This is the message that says, you will be condemned to a hell and be a victim of the devil. Love never teaches condemnation. See the difference. Look and observe and SEE what has been happening. Look at Love and ask yourself, is this idea, the product of Love or of Fear? Does this idea create LOVE in me or FEAR in me, as a response? Whatever creates FEAR, you will then know, comes from Other. Whatever creates LOVE, comes from God. What do your feelings and truest knowing say to you? If you are feeling fearful, anxious, less than worthy, scared...then you know that the message is being delivered to you by the wolf, the one who hides in sheep's clothing. The Other (who is the wolf), is sly and apparently loving, but only interested in its own survival and always at your expense. It will always tell you, that it has the answer for you, all you need do is surrender to it (and thus allow it to appear to sustain power and control over your mind).
When in fact, your Father in Heaven, has already anointed you with all the answers which are within you which means, you need no other for any reason. Notice, that the Other has never given you perfect validation of yourself. It will never willingly or unwillingly validate your perfection, no matter what you do to attempt to appease it. The wolf cannot be appeased! In it's eye, you will always fall short of it's expectations. You can, according to the Other, never attain being good enough. And this is exactly what causes your anxiety and disappointment. You already know you are worthy, complete and whole, on some level of your being and you cannot really accept the invalidation of the Other. You can remove the anxiety, and disappointment in yourself, by looking within and finding God there, who validates your perfection. You need do nothing other than remember. Life, with God, is not a game of seek and find, it is a perfection of the perfect knowing of who and what you are."