Dear Friends: Today, I am thinking about all the wonderful knowledge that comes from God and the messages of Wholeness and Healing which this entails. I am asking myself: what are the keys to understanding that will bring me Peace, not only within myself but also in my experiences of the external world?
The Holy Spirit has revealed to me that I am my own source for all the things which I experience in my life. My mind is powerful and the thoughts I create result in whatever it is that I am experiencing. This indeed, is an important message, because it allows all who hear this Truth, to adjust their lives, knowing how all experience originates. Especially, taking note of the fact that the universe is a machine designed by God to provide whatever it is that I am thinking. I do not have to know how the machine works, I only need to know that it does work, that it responds to my thoughts as commands, and that whatever I think, so shall it be. Jesus said, "as ye sow, so shall ye reap." This is what Jesus was referring to. The most effective fact about this is, each of us is in control of our own experiences when we use the universe purposefully rather than purposelessly. In a world which appears in a tailspin, taking us along for an uncontrolled ride, it is refreshing news to know and understand, we can change what we are experiencing, which power resides within ourselves. Remaining calm within the storm, is the gift that God gives us in dealing with turmoil.
God's Voice is a quiet Voice, not a loud and booming voice. In order for a person to hear God's Voice, then, it is apparent that one must practice as much quiet as possible within the Self. Stilling the turmoil, the busy-ness of the mind, which is ever wanting to do something, requires discipline. A wonderful way to begin doing this, is to find a Sacred Space, in which one's mind may join with the Mind of God. I have often found, that finding an external world space to do this helps enable me to quiet myself. A Sacred Space is any place where the body and mind can align within to create Peace. A Sacred Space can be within one's internal self alone, but it also helps to find a Sacred Place externally. The Sacred Place can be wherever one finds the external world to be at it's quietest...which often, appears difficult to do. This may also ask of one's Self to find a time when that space is quietest. The Sacred Place is any place which allows one to feel safe, secure, whole and complete. The Sacred Place may consist of anything external to the Self which provides for safety, security, wholeness and completeness. Perhaps, wearing certain clothing, having physical objects in your possession or near you which aide or have special meaning, such as lit candles, a warm blanket or prayer beads; whatever gives you comfort and reduces stress, is ok. God wants you to be still and quiet, so that God's gentle voice can be heard. Remember, physical objects only act as an aide, and have no other particular meaning or function other than to reduce stress and increase connectivity.
The practiced person can do this at any time or place, regardless of what appears to be happening around them or external to the Self. With practice, stillness is attained more and more easily. This is because you know your Self is always in control and is free of all external power and control mechanisms. Freeing the Self to be in control and realizing that one is always in control of Self, allows one to change the external experience so that the external is changed to freeing rather than controlling.
Here are some of the things which I have found bring me into alignment with stillness and being quiet:
*The focus is on LOVE.
*The primary purpose is to hear God's Voice, Still Small Voice or the Holy Spirit {One and the same}.
*The secondary purpose is to heal FEAR and to rectify my mind to the Mind of God.
*There is nothing I have to do. And the only thing(s) I do are those things I desire to do.
*Free will is always at the center of relationship, nothing is forced. I do this for myself.
*I am One, whole, complete and perfect in my relationship with God.
*The only moment which exists is right NOW (all problems belong to another moment)
*Clear the mind of noise and the mind's attempt to take center stage of the process.
*Release stress, tension, anxiety; but remain, AWARE. Awareness is NOT sleeping.
*Nothing external to me is in control of me. Discipline of my mind is what allows for peace.
*Release all thoughts which are negative, destructive of self or others. Give all such thoughts up to God.
*Peace and Rest are the result of my knowing that I am in complete control of myself at all times, and that I release all thoughts of possession, judgment, condemnation, restriction and expectation. I am not bound by external thoughts, forms, ideas, or restrictions which appear to be doing things to me, for they are but an illusion. I bless and yield them to God.
* It is not my place to be in anyone else's space.
* Let go, be whole and be in One's own self control. Then release even self control to God.
* Put God in command, so that Will is One and Complete.
Doing is an act. What happens in the mind as thought is a form of doing. Jesus said that even when you have thought something it is the same thing as having done it. So thought counts!Whatever is thought is enacted. Therefore, thought is something that is real, not imaginary.
Practice seeing all others as Self, for there is only One, in highest truth.
Whatever you do to another, you do it to yourself. Therefore, do unto others as you would have done unto you (for you are them and they are you).
Be the change you wish to see in the world (Gandhi). Only by changing your self can you hope to see the change in the world you are wishing for. Even though you are whole and complete within yourself, requiring nothing...if you are desiring to see something else, then make yourself the change you wish to experience.
Whenever an external problem presents itself to you, ask yourself this one question: "Where did this originate within me?" Then, take that thought and bless it with your love. Give love as your response to every situation you are encountered with. Release judgment and condemnation, heal it with forgiveness, and allow it to pass by you. Love is what God is up to at all times and in all instances. Ask: "What would God do now?" In healing all others you heal yourself.
Release to God all thoughts of incompleteness, separateness and unwholeness. Imagine these things as if they were objects and you literally hand them over and put them all into God's powerful and limitless hands. God has all the answers right there inside of yourself to give you the healing you desire.
Nothing which is not real can actually affect me. If I am affected, it is because I have allowed it to affect me. I have given it the power over me that I have allowed. Therefore, in order to be truly free, I must see all things which have affected me to be exactly the things I have allowed. In order to free myself, I must withdraw the power back to myself again by concentrating on control of Self and being aware in each moment, what I have given power to.
Every experience in my life is the result of my decision to allow it, at some level of myself. If I do not consciously know where it comes from, then I ask God to reveal to me where it is at, and therefore, to heal it. I am working each moment of my life to see Peace within myself and whatever I believe I am experiencing in the world external to myself. Ultimately, I will establish perfect Peace by first establishing it within myself. Peace means, being in total command of my own self at all times and being aware of all things within myself, including how I react to anything either internally or externally.
Only the practice of LOVE achieves the results which I desire for myself. If I find myself being other than LOVE, I reign in myself and find ways to heal all and any non-loving thoughts or actions. This means, letting go of all thoughts of victimization, when I know I am the source of all of it and am therefore, no victim. Releasing and not holding onto, judgment or condemnation, which I know, in no instance, serves myself or says about ME, who and what I am. Observe, yet do not judge. For I am not in possession of all the knowledge that God is, of why something is so. Therefore, I do not have to agree with what I see as fault, I just let it pass by me as if I have seen nothing at all. Every thought of fault, error, wrongness, is a product of a misunderstanding of The Truth and it is the misunderstanding that needs to be healed by righting my mind. I simply can do this by saying to myself "Nothing is wrong."
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