Hello. This is just my blog. You probaby want to know more about who I am. But the more important question is, who are you? That is one of the questions you should be asking about yourself more often. The other question is, what are you? Who and what are you? No, I don't mean, what, as in human being...I presume you wouldn't be reading this now if you weren't a human being. I am asking you a deeper meaning about yourself...yes, that inner you person. How well do you know that person, really, and how often do you connect with that person? I believe one has to connect with that personal self frequently in order to know the answer(s). And that is what I am doing in regard to myself. You could sort of say, it's self analysis. Everything in life begins for you right there inside of you. Did you know that? It all starts with the big You! The good message is, that beginning never ends. You might think you end, but you never do. The question is, when will you wake up?
Most of the human race is asleep, in a deep slumber...walking through life without a destiny or a purpose. Most of the human race has never woken from the dream. So my point to you is, wake yourself up! I mean, really...wake up and be alert. Instead of letting life happen TO you, take control of it and command it to work for you. Be your own best friend. Love yourself to life. Rejoice in each moment. Be greatful to the One who loves you. Ask for the universe and receive exactly as you have imagined. See the magic of the moment. Know you are worthy. Believe without any doubt. Transform yourself into your own highest potentials. Empower yourself to be free and independent. Elect to live life to the fullest. Squeeze every chance and opportunity that comes to you. Accept responsibility for all of it. Do not Judge or condemn anything. Bless every moment. Hear, see and listen with clarity. Be passionate and joyful. Want nothing and desire everything. Trust your inner feelings and follow them. Make every moment a magic moment. Every moment of now is the beginning of the rest of your life. Let go of all grudges and complaints. See nothing "wrong." Adjust attitude to positive. Reinvent your own wheel. Celebrate your freedom. Light a candle and say your peace. Do no harm to self or others. Give all you can and then some. Choose who and what you will be. Rejoice in free will. See the perfection of the moment. Get in tune with yourself. Wake up and walk life consciously. Share your love with others. Expect nothing in return. See all opportunities as grand and every word you speak as holy. Act in the name of who you are. Deliver your full potentials. Push the boundary of every rule. Question every authority. Take stock in yourself. Be fearless. Be truthful to yourself. Empower all others. Release and do not encumber. Be thankful for every gift. Show mercy and kindness. Be healthy and strong.
These are the least you can do for yourself in life. What, you say? That is a long list, you say? That is a lot of stuff to try and fix, you say? You need fix nothing. You are already all these things. Didn't you know it, or have you been asleep, just as I have said? Get with the Plan, organize your day, facilitate yourself, put on your best shoes...put on, your best YOU! That is all you could ever ask of yourself...but there is so much more for you to discover about YOU, isn't there? So what's stopping you? Did you forget some time back? All you had to do was listen to YOU right there inside and that is all you ever needed to do for YOU. In fact, in a higher sense, you need not even have done that...but we needed to illustrate here, the point that...you have not been awake. Not like you think. More, like, walking a dream within a dream. So now is the time to wake up! And start putting some of that good stuff into action. Why delay and let that go again. You never knew a better person than YOU and you know it. Now that calls for some serious LOVE, don't you think? Right on! Give yourself all the love you deserve...and keep on doin', day after day until you are so full of love that you become love...until you start bursting at the seams and before you know it, you BURST! And whatever else is on the outside of YOU, can't but help and exclaim, what a loving and truly beautiful you, you really are :) and that, my friend, is what you always wanted, isn't it? Confirmation of who you really are and have been all along. But even if some other never saw what you see, it matters not! Even if not one person ever said a word to you...because you are in truth, strong, brave and independent, a real hero in life, and there are no villains! You are the victor of your own victory, your own story of your story and your own life of your life. And there never was and never will be another One just exactly like you, ever...honest! You are the most unique and individual One that God ever created and that calls for celebration!!! Yes, right there in you is the greatest and the best and the mostest of everything. You were created that way, on purpose and intentionally and with utter committment.
So now that we have had this little talk, which began by you trying to find out who I AM, it has instead become a finding out of who YOU ARE, and that is exactly as it should be. For if you were listening at all, if you were even thinking about all that I have just said, you will realize in this moment that suddenly, it occurs to you, there is but One of Us. So I have lead you to the doorstep of your own inquiry in discovering a tad of who I am...and that is just the beginning, dear friend. There is sooo much more to tell you, but you need to have that conversation with you instead. All of this might seem a little strange, I am sure you feel a little funny about now...after all, it's really been all about you anyway. I just had to pipe in here and clue you in a little bit. It may seem strange that you went somewhere and ran right smack dab, into yourself!
Hey! I couldn't help it if you came here to really find out about yourself. The fact is, you see, that is exactly why you came here and I think you know that already. You came here to find out about you or you wouldn't be here, reading this right now. So see the miracle in that. See the perfection of this moment. And take all of it back with you from wherever you came. My only request to you dear friend is this: spread the news around just a little bit to others. Remember, sharing is caring. That means, don't hog all the good stuff for yourself :)
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