Connecting with God
[Picture used with kind permission of the artist, Mr. Lawrence Klimecki, entitled "Saint Gabriel, Archangel," ] http://www.gryphonrampant.com/SG2436.html
Dear Friends: Today, I wish to communicate further with you about connecting to even more resources that are available for you. I have mentioned in prior blog postings, that God uses all methods of communication with you. These methods can be your experiences in life, the words you hear inside of you as I have described (in my viewpoint), The Still Small Voice (the Holy Spirit), through Holy Scriptures such as The Bible (and other sacred works), and yes, even through music (see my postings on Blogspot, reference to Peter Cetera's song entitiled One Clear Voice), through a movie you might see, through the innocent comments of your own young children, and even in your imagination (for what is to keep God from using your imagination as a form of communication to you?). Any way or method you can think of that communicates, even certain advertisements (yes, not just billboards), but think of the books, magazines, pamphlets and notices that you receive constantly. If you are aware of the process that God NEVER stops speaking to you, then you look, see, hear and begin to wonder and think about things with a little bit more awareness. I am going to speak on yet another blog about the process of awareness and the use of imagination (image creation). But for now, I wish to bring one such form of external communication to you. A person who hears the Still Small Voice within them, becomes what is called, a "Channeler," especially if that communication is shared with the external world of "others." We must keep our eyes open to all possibilities, includng the possibility that God can create a form of communication on the internet. Mine, is just one tiny version; there are many others.
A group of God Channelers can get together to construct a site where the communication and instruction from God can be written into "lessons." The wonderful news is that this has happened. This is yet another resource for you to investigate and find out about. I have been visiting this site now, for at least the last few years. I have seen it evolve slowly from a handful of "lessons" to what now is a large body of "lessons." The lessons themselves, are evolving and changing as more and more information is being added and instruction is being expanded and clarified. It is a "work in progress." The Channelers who are doing this work of channeling God's instructions remain almost anonymous, almost faceless...because the work itself is what is the focus and not the individuals channeling the work.
Jesus says, test what you hear, and if it is within your knowing of what is true, then you know it is the Truth. If the messages being given are from the "One who sent Me," then you know. What sits right in yourself is what your truth is about something. In general, I would say for me, that when a communication is coming from God, it entails one of three elements (I might describe this as the Trinity of Truth). The message always contains within it, TRUTH, LOVE, JOY. These are the three elements of all of God's communications. Every last communication that originates from our Creator contains one, two or all three of these elements. So I am saying to you, TEST what you read against the truth inside of you and if the message contained in the communication meets your highest and deepest feeling of truth, then you need no one else to tell you, Who it is that that communication is coming from. I also have had to ask myself, what motive, if any, is there? Does that motive contain Truth, Joy or Love? Is the message given, contain, is framed in, empowerment? Does the communication honor you, the self who is part of God? Put the messages to the test and see if the messages contain the elements you know are Truth. For Truth is always THE Truth.
The site I am speaking of is called GodChannel. You are going to learn more about God here than you had ever imagined. You are also going to learn more about yourself than you had ever imagined possible. For, this is truly, an amazing resource. It is one of the many paths God has established in our world today, to investigate and discover. The URL to this site is:
After reading the small introduction, you may wish to click on "Site Navigator," which will take you to the list of lessons. Or, you may wish to click on any of numerous and what seems, labyrinthian links which discuss God's purposes and reasons for establishing this site. Any way you look at it, you are going to come back, time and again, as the information presented to you begins to sink in.
I have a little story behind the discovery of this site on the internet that I would like to share with you.
One day, I decided to go to Google Search and enter the single search term "God." To my amazement, over 64 million references were listed. Today, April 12, 2008, just a few years later, the number of references on Google to just the term "God" are 487,000,000 references. This is a huge lexicon of information.
Anyway, I wanted to see if I could find some sites on the internet about God that rang true inside of me (contained, Truth, Love, Joy), or just sat right with me. I started clicking on the first URL's (obviously, these are the ones with the highest page ranking). I found nothing in them that met with my inner guide (The Holy Spirit IN me). I kept clicking on successive pages of URL's, and nothing! I became disenchanted. I asked myself, "How can so many sites which have such a high page rank contain nothing that rings true within me?." How could I be missing what I am looking for. At the time, out of 64 million references, at least some of them should contain what I am looking for, right? But who has the time to spend clicking on literally 64,000,000 references?
Suddenly, I had the notion (which I attribute to the Holy Spirit guiding me), to click on "LAST." This means that I literally was going to go to the 64 millionth reference, the very END of all the references, and then begin working backwards. I remembered something that God had once said to me, that sometimes, in order to solve a problem, you have to start by reversing the problem...if it cannot be solved going forward, then start at the end and go backward). So, in remembering what God had told me, and following the urging of the Holy Spirit, I went to the end and starting working backwards. After clicking URL's for about the first three pages, I found GodChannel!
Now, I have to ask myself, how is it, that with (at the time) 64 million references to God on Google, that a site like this could be nearly at the END of the entire search? Does it mean that God does not pay for advertising to increase page rank? Or does it mean, as it meant to me, that one must truely be searching for the answers in order to get the answers?
I have often found this to be the case in book stores. Going to the spiritual section, I make sure I look at the small books crammed behind the bigger, fatter ones...and not always, but often enough, I find that the most important works in my life are the one's that are LEAST OBVIOUS! They are the little books hidden almost out of sight. And here, was exactly what I was looking for but it was hidden - 64 million references from where I started. I think the message is, if you really want the information, God is going to put you through the search. The closest thing I can come to in all of this, is like when you misplace your keys at home. You literally pull your hair out in frustration looking for those keys. Then, once you have calmed down enough to come to your senses, you see them sitting right there on the coffee table in the living room where you had put them last night. You could swear you had looked there a million times, right at the table! Yet you did not see the keys there until the millionth and one time.
The message that comes to me from these experiences is just this...God is obviously NOT obviously obvious. God is staring you right in the face and you don't even see God. Oh well, this leads to more insights on being aware of the world, which is not my intention for today. Go back now, and click on that site and take a look and see for yourself what you think. PS - Everything on the site is FREE. Have a wonderful day dear friends, a God filled and joyous day :) Peace & Love!
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