With A Little Help from My Friend
Thank you for reading my blogs :) I have a blog on Yahoo! 360, but Yahoo is in some turmoil right now. First, they have decided to get rid of Yahoo! 360 in favor of some other more sophisticated scheme, after members have spent the better part of two years with Yahoo! 360. I, for one, do not trust them to preserve my current blog, even though they have promised to do so.
My current Yahoo! 360 Blog is located here, in case you would like to link to it. Also, I am on Yahoo! Answers, which is really a cool system of answering questions people have.
Secondly, Yahoo is experiencing a potential hostile takeover by Microsoft. Who knows what Microsoft is going to do to Yahoo? Probably dismember it, hack it up, delete services, charge for others...it is not good news for Yahoo! or for Yahoo!'s users.
So between these two developments, I have decided to use this blog in order to preserve my work, just in case, Yahoo either falls prey to itself as a victim or as a victim of Microsoft.
Please be looking for my blog posts here. It will take me some time to learn how to use this so I am more effective. God Bless! Jim
My current Yahoo! 360 Blog is located here, in case you would like to link to it. Also, I am on Yahoo! Answers, which is really a cool system of answering questions people have.
Secondly, Yahoo is experiencing a potential hostile takeover by Microsoft. Who knows what Microsoft is going to do to Yahoo? Probably dismember it, hack it up, delete services, charge for others...it is not good news for Yahoo! or for Yahoo!'s users.
So between these two developments, I have decided to use this blog in order to preserve my work, just in case, Yahoo either falls prey to itself as a victim or as a victim of Microsoft.
Please be looking for my blog posts here. It will take me some time to learn how to use this so I am more effective. God Bless! Jim
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